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     OMEGA 906 - Special Radiator Treatment Additive

Ürün Kodu : 906
Ürün Özellikleri
Omega 906 yüzeylerdeki tabakalaşmayı önler ve soğutma sistemi verimliliğini yükseltir. Soğutma sistemlerinde çok çeşitli sular kullanılır ve b
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Omega 906 soğutma sistemi problemlerinin

%98’ine çözüm getirir.


Omega 906 şu işleri yapar:


  • Suyun kaynama noktasını yükseltir. Soğuk hava ve iç arasında daha yüksek fark oluşur. Bu da  radyatörün ısı  transferini muhteşem şekilde yükseltir.


  • Daha  çok  soğuk su  akışını engelleyen su pompası kavitasyonunu durdurur.


  • Korozyonu engeller.  Bilindiği  gibi  radyatör  yapısında birçok metal beraber kullanılır. Demir, bakır, çelik, aluminyum, pirinç ve lehim . Bu  metallerin  değişik  galvanik  ölçekleri vardır ve bu   alanda  Omega  906  kullanılmadığında galvanik etkileşim oluşacaktır .  Omega  906   tüm   metallerde   korozyonun   oluşmasını   geciktirecektir.


  • Omega 906 yüzeylerdeki tabakalaşmayı önler  ve  soğutma  sistemi  verimliliğini  yükseltir.  Soğutma sistemlerinde çok çeşitli sular kullanılır ve   bunların  çoğu   yüksek  mineral  içeriğe sahiptir.   Bu en  sıcak   makine parçalarında dahi tabakalaşmaya neden olur ve ısı  transferinin  %40  düşmesine ,  makine bloğunun ve kafaların   yıpranmasına  ve   yüksek hararet zararlarına neden olur.


Probably the most neglected part of a car or truck is the cooling system. Most vehicle owners give the cooling system only cursory attention. The cooling systems of today's modern engines face two great difficulties. These are lack of lubrication and rust. Lack of lubrication results in the pre-mature failure of the water pump, and also causes sticking of the thermostat and improper operation of the thermostat, Rust can and often does cause complete radiator failure.


Surveys show that 1 out of every 5 vehicles have cooling system breakdowns each year , especially in summertime. A cooling system breakdown in a private car is inconvenient but such a breakdown in a commercial vehicle such as a truck or lorry or a mining or construction vehicle can prove disastrous and is usually exceedingly expensive in lost production and repair cost. One vehicle failure usually holds up more than that one vehicle, Substantial lost production, upset schedules, wasted man-hours, delayed deliveries and lost customers can be the costly result of the cooling system failure of a commercial vehicle.

Radiators and cooling systems in modern vehicles have to work much harder than cooling systems had to in the past, lt is much more important today than ever in the past to use Omega 906 water pump lubricant and radiator conditioner.

Today, vehicles are much more apt to have cooling system breakdowns than in the past. The internal combustion engine has a thermal efficiency of only about 25%.

75% of that energy is wasted, mostly in the form of heat. lf this excess heat is not removed properly, it can cause great damage to both the transmission and engine parts.

The cooling system has to absorb and dissipate about half this heat via various mechanical parts and the fluid in the radiator, (A small percentage of vehicles are air cooled).


Omega 906 is the solution to 98% of all cooling system problems, lt does the following things: -

(1) lt raises the boiling point of the water thus causing a greater differential between the cooling air and the core, which greatly increases the radiator heat transfer.

(2) Stops water pump cavitation which enables a higher coolant flow rate.

(3) Inhibits corrosion, As is well known, several different metals are used together in radiator construction including cast iron, copper, steel, aluminium, brass and solder. These metal have different places in the galvanic scale and galvanic action will occur unless Omega 906 is used , Omega 906 retards corrosion of all metals.

(4) Omega 906 controls scale and greatly increases cooling system efficiency. A variety of water is used in coolant systems and many of these waters are high in mineral content . This causes scaling in even the hottest parts of the engine and restricts and retards the transfer of heat from the engine block. A mere 1. 5 mm of mineral scale will cause a drop of up to 40% in heat transfer, Scale can cause warped engine blocks and heads and overheating damage.

FORMULA: 50-75ml Omega 906 for every 10 litres radiator water capacity every 8, 000kms. For heavily scaled and corroded surfaces, repeat draining the system at more frequent intervals until all scale is removed.


(1) When the engine is cold, remove the radiator cap. Drain the radiator through the drain plug or drain cock. To speed the draining process, the drain plug or plugs in the block can also be removed.

(2) Reinstall the block drain plugs and close the drain cock. Fill the cooling system with water.


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